Circulars, Notices and other important information.
Public notices, policy holder imformation and claim procedure.
Circulars, Notices and other important information.
Find information about policyholder’s protection, consumer education and other issues.
We regulate the Indian insurance industry to protect the interests of the policyholders and work for the orderly growth of the industry.
Life is full of uncertainties. We face various risks in our day to day life including risks to our life, health, property and so on.
When a person with a life insurance policy – called a life assured – dies, a claim intimation should be sent to the insurance company as early as possible
The insurance company should resolve your complaint within a reasonable time.
Give us your complaint
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Please send us your complaint and query to email us
Kindly ensure that the complaint & query given is not any feedback against the insurance company. In case you have any feedback, please refer to the Menu and make use of the channels available for sharing your feedback regarding the insurance company. This will help us address your concerns more effectively through the appropriate channels. .
Give us your complaint
Any complaint or query ?
Please send us your complaint and query to email us
Kindly ensure that the complaint & query given is not any feedback against the insurance company. In case you have any feedback, please refer to the Menu and make use of the channels available for sharing your feedback regarding the insurance company. This will help us address your concerns more effectively through the appropriate channels. .
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